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Concert Review: George Clinton, Parliament-Funkadelic Usher In Party Atmosphere To Weekend Festival
2017 / Live Reviews / Music

Concert Review: George Clinton, Parliament-Funkadelic Usher In Party Atmosphere To Weekend Festival

George Clinton and the latest lineup of Parliament-Funkadelic headlined Friday night’s beginning of Madison’s annual Brat Fest celebration, demonstrating to those who attended why Clinton and his merry band of funkateers are both beloved and essential in the evolution of pop music despite offering a truly conflicting, confusing performance. Continue reading

Remembering George Michael: ‘Freedom’ Was Rare Fusion Of Pop Hit With Artistic Purpose
2016 / Memorial / Music

Remembering George Michael: ‘Freedom’ Was Rare Fusion Of Pop Hit With Artistic Purpose

George Michael never looked the role of a musical freedom fighter. Between his Adonis-like features, his stylish, camera-ready wardrobe and his devotion to dance music made him appear as a pop star keener to keep the party going than in tearing the whole proceeding down. And yet, Michael once stood up for artistic purpose and threatened to dismantle the pop-music machine that had built him into a global superstar. And he did it with the most unlikely of tools: a hit song. Continue reading

Remembering Scott Weiland: 6 Songs That Reveal Lasting Musical Contributions
2015 / Memorial / Music

Remembering Scott Weiland: 6 Songs That Reveal Lasting Musical Contributions

Although sometimes seen as a divisive figure among music fans and the industry in general, former Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland had an undeniable impact with a steady string of alternative-rock hits in the 1990s and early ’00s. His death on Thursday offers a chance to reflect on those contributions. Continue reading